After-sales service

After-sales service

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After-sales service

一、Main after-sales service content of the factory

1. Provide technical guidance on use based on customer needs;

2. Provide spare parts and maintenance services;

3. Implement "three guarantees" services for product repair, return, and replacement;

4. Handle customer inquiries and maintain customer relationships.
二、Work items for after-sales service personnel

1. Track and count customer online quality, analyze unexplained demands, and report serious product defects for 2 days;

2Online product quality consultation requires a response within 24 hours and a report to the customer and factory;

3. Bad judgment and maintenance of customers;

4. Claims against customers for product quality issues;

5. After sales data and customer confirmation:

6. Collect and summarize customer issues with the use of products, and feed them back to the competent department and production department;

7. Maintain and strengthen relationships with customers to improve customer satisfaction.

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