Design service

Design service

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Design service
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We can provide one-on-one product customization and design services based on customer requirements. It includes the appearance design and structural design of the product.
一、Appearance design, industrial design
1、 In-depth communication with customers in the early stage of product design to understand their apparent needs, i.e., what kind of appearance design solutions they want.
2、 Many times, the concepts proposed by customers cannot solve the design pain points of their products! At this time, it is necessary to fully understand the current situation of customers (product development capabilities, resource supply chain coordination capabilities, and production development control capabilities), thinking that only in this way can designers provide appropriate appearance design solutions and surface treatment process plans to customers. Why is it appropriate to emphasize here, rather than the so-called high-end atmosphere and high level, Because a good industrial design company hopes that customers' products can be put into the market to the maximum extent and achieve sales results!
3、 In the process of design services, designers need to take into account the contradictions between product aesthetics, production, and users. The appearance and modeling should be able to make people enjoy it. Mold production and surface technology should be controlled within a reasonable cost range. Product assembly should consider efficiency. Only in this way can customers be provided with appropriate, reasonable, beautiful, and classic product design services.
二、Structural Design
The structural design of a product is, metaphorically, the skeleton of the human body and the frame of the house. A good designer determines the soul of the product, while a good structural designer determines the carrier of the soul! During the structural design process, we always need to consider the stability, operability, ease of mold development, and efficiency of assembly for our customers!
In addition to providing customers with the above design services, our company also provides mold production and quality inspection before delivery, enabling customers to better and faster put high-quality products into the market!

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